SlurmCluster class API

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The SlurmCluster class enables hyperparameter search parallelization on a cluster managed via Slurm workload manager.

At a high level, the SlurmCluster creates a submit script for each permutation of hyperparameters requested. If the job hits the walltime but has not completed, the SlurmManager will checkpoint the model and submit a new job to continue training using the saved weights.

You can instantiate a SlurmCluster via:

from test_tube.hpc import SlurmCluster

# hyperparameters is a test-tube hyper params object
# see
hyperparams = args.parse()

# init cluster
cluster = SlurmCluster(

# let the cluster know where to email for a change in job status (ie: complete, fail, etc...)
cluster.notify_job_status(email='', on_done=True, on_fail=True)

# set the job options. In this instance, we'll run 20 different models
# each with its own set of hyperparameters giving each one 1 GPU (ie: taking up 20 GPUs)
cluster.per_experiment_nb_gpus = 1
cluster.per_experiment_nb_nodes = 1

# we'll request 10GB of memory per node
cluster.memory_mb_per_node = 10000

# set a walltime of 10 minues
cluster.job_time = '10:00'

# 1 minute before walltime is up, SlurmCluster will launch a continuation job and kill this job.
# you must provide your own loading and saving function which the cluster object will call
cluster.minutes_to_checkpoint_before_walltime = 1

# run the models on the cluster
cluster.optimize_parallel_cluster_gpu(train, nb_trials=20, job_name='first_tt_batch', job_display_name='my_batch')

init options


A HyperOptArgumentParser object which contains all permutations of model hyperparameters to run.


Path to save the slurm scripts, error logs and out logs created. Usually this would be the experiments folder path where test tube saves Experiment information.


This is the command that starts the python program. Normally it is:

# python 2

# python 3   


If true, saves slurm error logs to the path at log_path. If anything goes wrong in your job, you'll find the error here.


If true, saves slurm output logs to the path at log_path. This file contains all outputs that would show up on the console normally.


When this is given, it structures the files in a nice format to fit with the folder structure of the Experiment object's output.


String. Walltime requested. Examples:

# 1 hour and 10 minutes    
cluster.job_time = '1:10:00'

# 1 day and 1 hour and 10 minutes    
cluster.job_time = '1-1:10:00'

# 1 day and 1 hour and 10 minutes    
cluster.job_time = '25:10:00'   

# 10 minutes    
cluster.job_time = '10:00'   

# 10 seconds    
cluster.job_time = '10'   

Int. Minutes before walltime when a continuation job will be auto-submitted.

cluster.job_time = '10:00'   
cluster.minutes_to_checkpoint_before_walltime = 2

# New job will be submited to continue training after 8 minutes of the job running.      

Int. Number of GPUs each job will get.

# EACH job will get 2 GPUs (ie: if a model runs over two GPUs at the same time).   
cluster.per_experiment_nb_gpus = 2  

Int. Number of CPUs each job will get.

cluster.per_experiment_nb_cpus = 1 

Int. Number of nodes each job will get.

cluster.per_experiment_nb_nodes = 1 

String. Gpu type requested. Example:

cluster.gpu_type = '1080ti'   



cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function(fx, kwargs)    

Called if the model isn't finished training minutes_to_checkpoint_before_walltime before the walltime. If walltime = '15:00' and minutes_to_checkpoint_before_walltime = '1:00' the SlurmCluster will call your save function after 14 minutes of training.

  • fx A python function.
  • kwargs Dictionary where keys are the literal argument names to the function. Dictionary values are the values of the arguments.


def my_save_function(arg_1, arg_k):  
    # ... save my model here    

cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function(my_save_function, kwargs={'arg_1': 'whatever', 'arg_k': 'you_want'})    


cluster.set_checkpoint_load_function(fx, kwargs)    

Called internally when a job is auto-submitted by the SlurmCluster to give your program a chance to load the model weights or whatever you need to continue training.
This will call your load function immediately whenever you call this method AND training is continuing.

  • fx A python function.
  • kwargs Dictionary where keys are the literal argument names to the function. Dictionary values are the values of the arguments.


def my_load_function(arg_1, arg_k):  
    # ... restore my model here    

cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function(my_load_function, kwargs={'arg_1': 'whatever', 'arg_k': 'you_want'})    


cluster.add_slurm_cmd(cmd, value, comment)

Adds whatever Slurm command you need manually to the generated script. All possible commands are listed here.

  • cmd String with the bash command.
  • value String value for the command. Numericals need to be in single quotes '1'
  • comment String with the command comment.


cluster.add_slurm_cmd(cmd='cpus-per-task', value='1', comment='nb cpus per task')

# the above command will add an entry like this to the slurm script   

# #nb cpus per task
# #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
# ############



Adds arbitrary bash commands to the script. Use this to activate conda environments, install packages, whatever else you would think about calling on bash.

  • cmd String with your bash command.


# load the anaconda package on the launch node   
cluster.add_command('module load anaconda')   

# activate the environment on the launch node   
cluster.add_command('source activate myCondaEnv')   



Loads modules needed to run the job. Your Slurm documentation should have a list of available modules. You can also get those by running module avail.
- modules Array of module names.




cluster.notify_job_status(email, on_done, on_fail)  

Loads modules needed to run the job. Your Slurm documentation should have a list of available modules. You can also get those by running module avail.

  • email String. Email address to get notifications.
  • on_done Boolean. If true, you'll get an email when the job completes.
  • on_fail Boolean. If true, you'll get an email if the job fails.


cluster.notify_job_status(email='', on_done=True, on_fail=True)   


cluster.optimize_parallel_cluster_gpu(train_function, nb_trials, job_name, job_display_name=None)  

Launches the hyperparameter search across the cluster nodes.
- train_function The entry point to start your training routine.
- nb_trials Number of trials to launch. This is the number of hyperparameter configurations to train over.
- job_name Folder name where the slurm scripts will save to. This should be the same as your Experiment name.
- job_display_name Visible name when slurm lists running jobs (ie: through squeue -u user_name). This should be really short (if using a test tube Experiment, it'll put the experiment version at the end).


def main(hparams, cluster, return_dict):   
    # do your own generic training code here... 
    # init model
    model = model_build(hparams)    

    # set the load and save fxs
    cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function(fx, {})
    cluster.set_checkpoint_load_function(fx, {})

    # train ...

cluster.optimize_parallel_cluster_gpu(main, nb_trials=20, job_name='my_job', job_display_name='mj')    

Now if you get the job information, you'll see this:

(conda_env) [user@node dir]$ squeue -u my_name
            104040       all  mjv0   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104041       all  mjv1   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104042       all  mjv2   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104043       all  mjv3   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName


cluster.optimize_parallel_cluster_cpu(train_function, nb_trials, job_name, job_display_name=None)  

Launches the hyperparameter search across the cluster nodes using cpus.
- train_function The entry point to start your training routine.
- nb_trials Number of trials to launch. This is the number of hyperparameter configurations to train over.
- job_name Folder name where the slurm scripts will save to. This should be the same as your Experiment name.
- job_display_name Visible name when slurm lists running jobs (ie: through squeue -u user_name). This should be really short (if using a test tube Experiment, it'll put the experiment version at the end).


def main(hparams, cluster, return_dict):   
    # do your own generic training code here... 
    # init model
    model = model_build(hparams)    

    # set the load and save fxs
    cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function(fx, {})
    cluster.set_checkpoint_load_function(fx, {})

    # train ...

cluster.optimize_parallel_cluster_cpu(main, nb_trials=20, job_name='my_job', job_display_name='mj')    

Now if you get the job information, you'll see this:

(conda_env) [user@node dir]$ squeue -u my_name
            104040       all  mjv0   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104041       all  mjv1   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104042       all  mjv2   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName
            104043       all  mjv3   my_name  R      58:22      1 nodeName