HyperOptArgumentParser class API

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The HyperOptArgumentParser is a subclass of python's argparse, with added finctionality to change parameters on the fly as determined by a sampling strategy.

You can instantiate an HyperOptArgumentParser via:

from test_tube import HyperOptArgumentParser

# subclass of argparse
parser = HyperOptArgumentParser(strategy='random_search')
parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', default=0.002, type=float, help='the learning rate')

# let's enable optimizing over the number of layers in the network
parser.opt_list('--nb_layers', default=2, type=int, tunable=True, options=[2, 4, 8])

# and tune the number of units in each layer
parser.opt_range('--neurons', default=50, type=int, tunable=True, low=100, high=800, nb_samples=10)

# compile (because it's argparse underneath)
hparams = parser.parse_args()

# run 20 trials of random search over the hyperparams
for hparam_trial in hparams.trials(20):

init options


Use either random search or grid search for tuning:

parser = HyperOptArgumentParser(strategy='grid_search')


All the functionality from argparse works but we've added the following functionality:


parser.opt_list('--nb_layers', default=2, type=int, tunable=True, options=[2, 4, 8])

Enables searching over a list of values for this parameter. The tunable values ONLY replace the argparse values when running a hyperparameter optimization search. This is on purpose so your code doesn't have to change when you want to tune it.


parser.opt_list('--nb_layers', default=2, type=int, tunable=True, options=[2, 4, 8])
hparams = parser.parse_args()
# hparams.nb_layers = 2

for trial in hparams.trials(2):
    # trial.nb_layers is now a value in [2, 4, 8]
    # but hparams.nb_layers is still 2


parser.opt_range('--neurons', default=50, type=int, tunable=True, low=100, high=800, nb_samples=8, log_base=None)

Enables searching over a range of values chosen randomly using the nb_samples given. The tunable values only replace the argparse values when running a hyperparameter optimization search. This is on purpose so your code doesn't have to change when you want to tune it.

If log_base is set to a positive number, it will randomly search over a log scale, where the log base is log_base. This is better for search over several orders of magnitude efficiently.


parser.opt_range('--neurons', default=50, type=int, tunable=True, low=100, high=800, nb_samples=8)
hparams = parser.parse_args()
# hparams.neurons = 50

for trial in hparams.trials(2):
    # trial.nb_layers is now a value in [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 700, 800]
    # but hparams.neurons is still 50


parser.json_config('--config', default='example.json')

Replaces default values in the parser with those read from the json file



    "learning_rate": 200
parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', default=0.002, type=float, help='the learning rate')
parser.json_config('--config', default='example.json')
hparams = parser.parse_args()

# hparams.learning_rate = 200


trial_generator = hparams.trials(2)

Computes the trials needed for these experiments and serves them via a generator


hparams = parser.parse_args()
for trial_hparams in hparams.trials(2):
    # trial_hparams now has values sampled from the training routine


hparams = parser.parse_args()
hparams.optimize_parallel_gpu(function_to_optimize, gpu_ids=['1', '0, 2'])

Parallelize the trials across nb_workers processes. Auto assign the correct gpus. Argument passed into the function_to_optimize is the trial_params argument and the gpu_ids.


# parallelize tuning on 2 gpus
# this will place each trial in n into a given gpu
def train_main(trial_params, gpu_ids):
    # train your model, etc here...

hparams = parser.parse_args()
hparams.optimize_parallel_gpu(train_main, gpu_ids=['1', '0, 2'])

# at the end of the optimize_parallel function, all 20 trials will be completed
# in this case by running 10 sets of 2 trials in parallel


hparams = parser.parse_args()
hparams.optimize_parallel_cpu(function_to_optimize, nb_trials=20, nb_workers=2)

Parallelize the trials across nb_workers cpus. Argument passed into the function_to_optimize is the trial_params argument.


# parallelize tuning on 2 cpus
# this will place each trial in n into a given gpu
def train_main(trial_params):
    # train your model, etc here...

hparams = parser.parse_args()
hparams.optimize_parallel_cpu(train_main, nb_trials=20, nb_workers=2)

# at the end of the optimize_parallel function, all 20 trials will be completed
# in this case by running 10 sets of 2 trials in parallel